The last several blog posts we've written on teaching job interviews have been focused on the practical things you can do to prepare, whether that's prepare answers to potential questions or dress appropriately. This final blog post is about practical preparation and more about encouraging you to go to get into the right state of mind to rock the interview. Our number #5 tip is believe that you are the right person for this role. This might sound simple, but getting into this headspace will make a huge difference in terms of your confidence and ability to convince the interview panel.
Education Personnel's director Stuart has been recruiting teachers for a long time and has sat on a lot of interview panels over the years. He says that often the main reason one candidate wins the role over other similarly qualified candidates is that he or she is able to visualise themselves in the role. They know 100% they can and will do a great job in this role. Some candidates just can't visualise themselves in the role, in their mind they're still just a graduate who is applying to be a teacher rather than a teacher. This affects their confidence and their answers. As Stuart says "Dan Carter sees the ball go between the goalpost before he kicks it, you need to do the same at your interview."
Prior to the interview, sit down and picture yourself as a teacher at the school you're applying for. Do you believe you can do this role, and do it well? Or are you just another applicant? Visualise yourself being successful in this role. This confidence will go a long way at the interview, and will help the panel see that you'll be the right person for the role.
What gives you confidence when you walk into the interview room?
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