Recorded Webinar: ELL: Using the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) Pathway tool - Jane van der Zeyden (Tools4Teachers)
ELL: Using the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) Pathway tool - Jane van der Zeyden (Tools4Teachers)
The ELLP Pathway tool has been in draft form for the last two years. During that time some teachers have had opportunities to use it and feed back to the Ministry of Education on its structure, uses and adaptations that may be needed These have been considered and the final version of the tool is now in use.
If you would like to know more about how to use it both for planning and teaching and the new guidance for using it to access ESOL funding, this workshop will be of interest to you.
Content for the webinar will include:
- How the Pathway links to the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP)
- Using the ELLP Pathway to track and monitor progress and achievement
- Who the tool is designed to be used by
- Supporting material to be used in conjunction with the Pathway
- Using the Pathway to plan appropriate learning experiences.
About our Facilitator, Jane Van De Zeyden (Tools4Teachers)
Jane is a Ministry of Education accredited facilitator and has worked in teacher professional development since 2007. During that time she has provided both literacy and ESOL professional development to schools across NZ. She has worked in Schooling Improvement Initiatives, the Accelerating Literacy Learning Project (ALL) and was a Practice Leader at Learning Media. She is a panel member on the Ministry of Education National Advisory group on English Language Learners and currently provides literacy and ESOL PLD across New Zealand through her company, Tools 4 Teachers Ltd.