Supporting our English Language Learners to Become Writers – Jane van der Zeyden (Tools4Teachers)
Supporting our English Language Learners to Become Writers - Jane van der Zeyden (Tools4Teachers)
Recorded on 16th October 2020 | $35 | Webinar Library
About the webinar:
This 1 hour webinar focuses on Teaching English Language Learners essential skills in writing.
Using the English Language Learning Progressions to track progress and identify learning needs
Using the key resources English Language Intensive Programme (ELIP), Supporting English Language Learners in Primary schools (SELLIPS)
What needs to be differentiated for ELLs in literacy teaching?
Practical strategies for literacy teaching.
About our Facilitator, Jane van der Zeyden:
Jane is a Ministry of Education accredited facilitator and has worked in teacher professional development since 2007. During that time she has provided both literacy and ESOL professional development to schools across NZ. She has worked in Schooling Improvement Initiatives, the Accelerating Literacy Learning Project (ALL) and was a Practice Leader at Learning Media. She is a panel member on the Ministry of Education National Advisory group on English Language Learners and currently provides literacy and ESOL PLD across New Zealand through her company, Tools 4 Teachers Ltd.
Feedback about this webinar
"Thank you Jane for an excellent webinar on English Language Learners and writing. There was an excellent balance of theory and practice. This webinar would be helpful for both experienced and beginning teachers as well as ESOL Specialist teachers. Highly Recommended."
- Lynne, Primary teacher - Auckland